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Coin Parts Palooza

Do you know the parts of a coin? Every coin is made up of the same parts. We have special terms to describe these parts. Use the graphic to answer the questions below to test your coin knowledge.

1. The heads side of a coin is called the __________.

2. A face or portrait shown from the neck up is called a __________.

3. The part of the coin design that is raised above the background is called the __________.

4. The smooth area in the background of the coin is called the __________.

5. All coins include the __________ so we know when they were made.

6. A letter that indicates which Mint facility produced a coin is called a __________.

7. The side of a coin is called the __________.

8. The __________ are words on a coin.

9. The tails side of a coin is called the __________.

10. The __________ are small letters on the coin that tell us who designed it.

11. The __________ of a coin is raised to protect the coin design from wear and makes coins stackable.