Sacagawea Golden Dollar Coin

Circulating Coins
Issued in 2000
1999-2006 Sacagawea Golden Dollar Uncirculated Reverse
1999-2006 Sacagawea Golden Dollar Uncirculated Reverse
2000 Sacagawea Golden Dollar Uncirculated Obverse
2000 Sacagawea Golden Dollar Uncirculated Obverse

Coin Description

Designed to successfully complement the obverse, the selected reverse features a soaring eagle encircled by 17 stars. The 17 stars represent each state in the Union at the time of the 1804 Lewis and Clark expedition.
The Golden Dollar's obverse has Sacagawea looking straight ahead. Glenna Goodacre, the artist of the obverse, included the large, dark eyes attributed to Sacagawea in Shoshone legends. On her back, Sacagawea carries Jean Baptiste, her infant son.

The Story

The Golden Dollar shows Sacagawea, the young Shoshone Indian woman who traveled with and helped Lewis and Clark to explore the territory called “Louisiana.”  The baby she carries on her back was the youngest member of the party.  He was born during the expedition.

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1999-2006 Sacagawea Golden Dollar Uncirculated Reverse
1999-2006 Sacagawea Golden Dollar Uncirculated Reverse
2000 Sacagawea Golden Dollar Uncirculated Obverse
2000 Sacagawea Golden Dollar Uncirculated Obverse